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Jason Mason

What’s up! I’m a web developer and marketer building highly customized Martech stacks. Click the button below and let’s talk about how I can knock out your next project.

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Project Kanban

Martech Stack Consulting
Broken Heart Horse Sales logo

The Broken Heart team aims to streamline the scheduling of horse camps and lessons through automation. To achieve this, we've decided to explore existing tools and solutions to minimize technical debt. Our strategy is to build a solution using available resources wherever possible and, if required, expand it later with a database and other enhancements. Let's optimize the process and keep an eye on scalability when the time is right! #martech #automation #marketing automation #crm #proxy server #server side Desired workflow: Schedule now -> Booking page -> Book camp -> Pay in full now or pay deposit (two options)-> Payment -> CRM contact made -> Redirect to sign wavers -> Email automation before camp with wavers (if not signed) and final payment reminder (if they did not pay in full) -> Final payment is automatically charged -> Automatic notification goes out to Nell if payments were not made and/or documents were not signed -> Camp list is automatically made for an instructor that shows each of the students and if they did not pay in full or sign documents Signing up multiple kids at once. Technical solution Idea: Website ➝ Book a camp button ➝ Pay minimum or x or more ➝ Zoho contact created on submit ➝ Contact added to the camp list with document status ➝ Confirmation redirect ➝ Broken heart page ➝ Build a new URL and redirects to the document ➝ Document signed and posted to correct CRM account ➝ will require custom code CRM account reflects document signature status ➝ reminders go out for document signature ➝ an alert goes out if not signed

MVP Wireframes
Broken Heart Horse Sales logo

Create wireframes for the minimal viable website of Broken Heart Horse Sales—a perfect blend of elegance and functionality. Let's collaborate to shape a captivating web presence! 🐎💻 #figma Home page Idea 2 1. Navbar 1. Call now button 2. Hero 1. What it is, what it is about, what you get (briefly agitate problem and focus on successful outcomes of personas) 2. Global Call to Action 3. Services bar (similar to Interlochen site) 4. Guide section empathy and authority 5. Team logos bar 6. Global plan 7. Testimonial/ reviews section 8. Agitate failure and encourage success with CTA 9. Footer 1. Social 2. Pages 3. Legal 4. Contact info Camp page 1. Navbar 1. Call now button 2. Headline/ mini hero 1. What it is, what it is about, what you get (briefly agitate problem and focus on successful outcomes of personas) 2. Camp call to action 3. The problem 4. Guide empathy and authority 5. Authority (evidence of solving problem with camp video; photos; interview etc.) 6. Camp plan 7. What we will do 8. Testimonials 9. Agitate failure and encourage success with CTA 10. Footer 1. Social 2. Pages 3. Legal 4. Contact info Contact page 1. Navbar 2. Headline/ mini hero 1. What to expect when contacting us 2. Global CTA that leads to webform page 3. Contact details 4. Map 5. Upcoming events 6. Upcoming camps 7. Footer 1. Social 2. Pages 3. Legal 4. Contact info Webform page 1. Service selected with dynamic form 2. Camp selection will lead users to online scheduling 3. Information collected in form (if camps is not selected) 1. Name 2. Phone 3. Email 4. Preferred mode of contact 5. Message 4. Footer 1. Social 2. Pages 3. Legal 4. Contact info

Story Brand Messaging
County Line Construction logo

I'm on a mission to craft a compelling Story Brand Messaging guide for County Line Construction. This guide will resonate deeply with the pain points and heartfelt desires of our three key personas: the skilled general contractor, the overwhelmed crisis home owner, and the ambitious DIY home builder. We'll find that common thread that binds them all together. Our focus will be on tackling the biggest pain point head-on: dealing with incompetent and untrustworthy contractors out there. But here's the magic – we won't stoop to attacking the competition directly. Instead, we'll set County Line Construction apart from the crowd by showcasing our reliability, integrity, and professionalism. Our story will build trust and confidence without resorting to negativity. Get ready to captivate hearts and change the game with our authentic, genuine, and differentiated brand messaging! Let's turn those pain points into opportunities and make County Line the go-to choice for construction solutions! 📜💡 #branding # messaging #marketing Tell me the story of how you founded county line construction. Laid off; Prior experience; Big job up in bellingham; 2. What are your values and company values? Some suggestions in light of your customer: We Don't leave people hanging. We are honest even when it is hard. We educate. We take pride in the quality of our work. We seek to understand before being understood. We go beyond dirt work. We solve the problem. MArcus will send over values 3. Why do you do what you do? Why does your brand/business exist? Being the solution to peoples problems. running a business with real integritiy in a bad culture 3.1 What is your vision? 4. What is the problem you are trying to solve? send ideas over 5. What is the solution that you provide? Send ides over 6. How do you solve the problems that customers have that makes you different 7. Do you have any social proof besides reviews? BBB; builders accitoops 8. Do you have any experience with building your own home that you can use to empathize? 9. Do you have an elevator pitch for your business? (brain storm solutions to these pain points) DIY home builder/ new home buyer Solving pain points: Pain1: The timeline to build a home or complete a project creates emotional pressure, and when aspects of the project do not go according to plan, it can create anxiety. Aggravation1: Contractors not returning calls or being punctual drag out time lines. Solution1: Values: We don't leave people hanging. Practical application: Prioritizing punctuality when fulfilling commitments and phone availability. Punctuality mentioned in call to actions Sections on the website showing that we understand timelines Pain2: Many times DIY home builders don’t know what they don’t know. This can create blind spots that lead to the project not being done right, costing them time and money later on. Aggravation2: The inability to assess the operators ability because of a lack of construction experience and knowledge.. Aggravation2b: Getting ripped off or yanked around due to lack of knowledge Aggravation2c: Encountering unexpected issues with their plot of land that end up costing extra money Solution2: Values: We educate. We take pride in the quality of our work. We go beyond just dirt work. We solve the problem. Practical application: Social proof on website Before and after images with the customers vision/problem elaborated on. Education on common questions on the site Statment of the commitment to understand the DIY home builders vision and help it come to life Integrity in the way the copy and video are made/written (no smarmy tactics) Pain 3: Budget constraints create anxiety because pricing information is not always readily available from contractors. He is also worried about contractors coming in over budget after work is completed. Aggravation 3: The inability to get rough estimates before a bid in order to ballpark total costs for budgeting Contractors that come in over budget and over their initial estimate after work has begun put the DIY home owner’s vision in jeopardy. Solution 3: We are honest even when it is hard. Practical application: Messaging about how pricing is established is openly shared Messaging about how pricing is standardized, and non personal to meet market demand Rough pricing calculator on the site Deep desire 1: He has a deep desire to fulfill his life long goals, which include financial stability, a dream home, a family, etc. He wants to see/enjoy the fruit of his labor and receive the reword for his acts of delayed gratification. DIY home builders typically have an idealized vision of a dream home or project, and they have a deep desire to feel the gratification that comes when they see that vision become a reality excavation 1: Operator to be able to read between the lines and use his expertise to give actionable advice that helps the DIY home builder reach their desired vision. He wants the operator to be more than a person that he hires but also a friend and consultant. Fulfillment 1: Values We go beyond just dirt work. We solve the problem. We seek to understand before being understood. practical application: Messaging on site that communactes that you seek to understand before work is done Messaging in before and after work that explains what the customer vision was, what the wanted, and what the solution ended up being Showing the end result of some of your projects and the full manifestaion of somebodies vision. Maybe a video that shows you talking to a customer and offering suggestions on how things should be done in order to accomplish their vision Crisis/repair homeowner: Desire 1: To have a home that will not only appreciate in value but will last far into the future. Excavation 1: To find somebody that can fix the issue immediately at a price the she can afford. Contractor to be able to read between the lines and use his expertise to give actionable advice that helps the homeowner best solve the issue and preserve the longevity of their home. To be able to trust the contractor, both in integrity and ability. fulfillment 1: values: We Don't leave people hanging. We educate. We take pride in the quality of our work. We seek to understand before being understood. We go beyond dirt work. We solve the problem. Practical application: Blog about drainage issues and road issues to show expertise and build trust. Elaberation and education on the services page.

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+1(253) 651 8568

Denver, CO